Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Washington Weirdos by Gayle Wigglesworth

The 2nd in the Claire Gulliver mysteries by Gayle Wigglesworth finds Claire in Washington where the owner of Vantage Airlines has offered her a golden ticket to ride anywhere, anytime for the rest of her life on their airlines for helping solve the mystery in London in the last book.  While there, she is attacked and thus a new mystery unfolds. This book keeps you on the edge of your seat from the first chapter. These mysteries also have some humor added in, which I really enjoy.  Another fun adventure in clean reading!

Rating: PG
Sex - none
Violence- the attack on Claire but it is not graphic
Profanity - D-mn 2, G-d 14 but almost all are thanking G-d, H-ll 4, Sh-t 1