Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Intrigue in Italics by Gayle Wigglesworth

In the 3rd Claire Gulliver Adventure by Gayle Wigglesworth, my favorite, we find Claire on vacation in Italy with her mom and her mom's friend, where they are attending a cooking school. One day she runs into an old friend... but the old friend won't even acknowledge her.  Then Claire realizes she attended the person's funeral about a year ago.  Of course she cannot let it go.  She has to track down the person and make sure it isn't her friend. Obviously Intrigue ensues! Meanwhile her mother gets mixed up in some Intrigue of her own at the cooking school. This was a really fun, clean read for me!

Rating: PG
Profanity- D-mn 1, H-ll 6, G-d 15 most as Thank G-d, Sh-t 2.