Friday, September 7, 2012

Instead of a book review I thought I would explain why I dropped off the face of the earth the last few months.  I went in for a simple surgery on May 4, and was suppose to be home in 5 days.  What actually happened was a 3 month stint in the hospital, 5 surgeries, a 6 week coma, and me actually dying and coming back.  Quite an ordeal.  When I woke up from the coma I could not move, was completely paralyzed.  I had to relearn everything, to eat, walk, write, completely everything.  It was a really long haul and it messed up my mind as well.  I haven't even completed a book in the last 5 months!!  It is still hard for me to focus, therefore I haven't been able to work on my website at all.  I promise I will come back, things are coming back slowly.  Just being able to type is such a blessing at this point.  Please be patient with me. My goal is October 1st to be back to reviewing and hopefully having my first give-a-way, but I will have to see how my recovery goes.  Keep reading good books!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Murder of a Wedding Belle by Denise Swanson

The Scumble River series by Denise Swanson is a great read.  I've been reading them for a long time.  Skye Denison is a school psychologist who returns home to Scumble River after being away for a long time.  She is the police department's psychological consultant on the side and gets mixed up in just about every murder that happens in the small town.  She is also being pursued by two men in town, Simon, the local Mortician and Wally the Police Chief.  In this outing Skye's cousin, who's been living in LA returns to Scumble River to be married in the most outlandish wedding of the century.  She asks Skye to be her maid of honor. When the wedding planner is murdered 2 weeks before the wedding, Skye steps in to both coordinate the wedding and question everyone involved. High society meets down home folks makes for a lot for humor.  I really enjoyed this book.
Sex-mild Skye and Wally have romantic moments, the words smolder make me laugh, but they do sleep together
Violence-mild you don't see the murder, Skye just finds the body
Profanity-D-mn 12, H-ll 9, Ass 9, S-it 6, B-tch 2, G-d 1 they refer to God many times in a good way

Deader Homes and Gardens by Joan Hess

I've been reading Joan Hess books for years so I was excited to find her newest book had come out. She writes with a lot of humor but also with a serious hand on murder.  The cast of characters in this book is what amused me and kept me reading.  Claire owns the local bookstore, she is married to Peter who has secret ties to the FBI and a teenage daughter who is very dramatic and speaks in Capital Letters Mom! This cracks me up!  Her very recent marriage has made their living arrangements extremely close quarters so it is time to go house hunting.  She finds the perfect house, however buying it is complicated, the owners end up dead and the extended family (the strange, funny, wacko cast of characters) don't want outsiders buying any home in their commune. When the agent showing the house to Claire comes up missing, Claire believes it isn't a coincidence, and the deaths of the owners just might have been murder, and so the mystery begins.  I hadn't read a Claire Malloy mystery in quite awhile and I was a little surprised at how much profanity was in it.  It wasn't extreme, no words that made me uncomfortable, but enough to give it a PG-13. But I still really loved it.
Violence-mild murder is discussed but nothing graphic
Profanity- D-mn 14, H-ll 6, S-it 3, Ass 3, G-d 2 other remarks referring to God, B-stard 2, B-tch 2

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale

I don't know exactly what I was expecting when I began reading this novel, but it certainly was not what I got.  This novel was written by a Mormon author about a Mormon housewife, Becky who sells her screenplay to a hollywood producer and while in hollywood bumps into her big screen crush actor, Felix. Through a series of fumbles and coincidences (quite charming and comical) they end up having dinner together and sharing the evening shooting barbs and insults back and forth playfully and agreeing (though both not really believing it) to be friends forever as they parted ways. Becky goes back to her incredibly strong marriage (understanding beyond words husband Mike) and 4 children believing the chance encounter was just a fluke. But Felix calls and so begins and lifelong friendship between the housewife and the actor.
     Although things remain totally platonic, Becky never having a wayword thought away from her husband, I still felt uncomfortable reading much of the book.  I though about how I would feel if it were my husband spending hours on the phone with another woman. Becky sells another screenplay that is bought and she is chosen to play the part of Felix's love interest in the movie.  At this point, I did something I have never done in my whole life of devouring books..... I started reading another book.  I just had to absorb what was happening in this book and distract myself by getting involved in another fantasy for awhile.  I read both simultaneously.
    The author is an incredible story teller and I definitely had to keep reading.  The story takes you into some dark places (the part I didn't expect), which I really did not see coming!!! But just when I thought I was really going to get angry and hate the author.... she redeemed herself and the story ends exactly the way i felt it should. It was a really interesting novel and definitely clean! Just be ready for a definite ride.  This is not a fluff piece!
Rating : PG
Sex-kissing, a little bit of talking about how good Becky's marriage is including intimacy, but nothing graphic
Profanity-D-mn 4, H-ll 4

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Loose Ends (A Mary O'Reilly Paranormal Mystery) by Terri Reid

I just finished reading this book and I have to say I haven't enjoyed a book as much as this in a very long time. As you know, I normally read soft, cozy murder mysteries.  This book pulls you in from the first chapter, a flashback to the 1980's, the murder of a young political intern.  Then flashforward to present day and you are introduced to Mary O'Reilly a private investagator who is very serious about her profession, and as an added bonus happens to be able to see dead people.  It is kind of a "Ghost whisperer meets murder she wrote" two of my favorite tv shows.  But this is far from a cozy murder mystery.  This book has much more of a crime novel feel to it. Mary is asked to investigate the murder of the intern from the '80s.  She not only "sees" the murder (ala ghost whisperer) but in the course of the investigation she stumbles upon the murders of 6 little girls from the same time that are begging to be solved and put to rest.  There are very serious parts of this book where I was so tense I actually jumped, and one scene that had me gripped to the point I couldn't put the book down! The author has a great way that she plays with words, not only keeping you glued to the story, but also making you smile and sometimes even chuckle.  My favorite line in the whole book was her give-away wink to an old favorite primary song "choose the right, she sang softly, repeating the words from a childhood sunday school song."  That's right, the author is LDS! You would not guess, as this is NOT a Christian Mystery.  This is a mainstream novel.  There is a bit more profanity than I normally read (see below for exact) but still nothing more than I would recommend.  I still loved the book and highly recommend it if you can overlook that.  One of my favorite books in the last year and I plan to read more Mary O'Reilly Mysteries!!

Sex-mild: It does talk about little girls being abducted by a very bad guy who has bad thoughts about them but it doesn't get graphic
Violence-mild: Talks about the little girls who went missing 20 years ago, the main murder is very simple, no graphic violence
Profanity-H-ll 26, D-mn 39, B-tch 4, Bstd-1, G-d 2, Sh-t 2

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Aunt Dimity Down Under by Nancy Atherton

This is my Very Favorite Mystery series!! Unfortunately I don't have all of the books and they aren't all available on Kindle for me to re-read to review them all so I can't review them from the first book but the series starts with Lori Shepherd learning that the loveable "fictional" Aunt Dimity that her mother used to make up bedtime stories about was in fact a real person.  Not only that, she left an extremely large amount of money and a lovely little cottage in England to Lori when she died. So Lori packs up and moves to England to live in the cottage. She finds a journal on a shelf in the cottage. When she opens it and begins to write, Aunt Dimity answers back in beautiful, flowing script.  Thus begins a long and beautiful relationship. Aunt Dimity speaks to Lori from beyond and helps her solve many problems, murders, and enjoys the ups and downs of Lori's life in England. So there is a little "supernatural" eliment to the cozy mystery series.
   This book finds Lori sad to find that two of the main characters of the series, her sweet neighbors the Pym systers (very old typical english ladies) are dying.  They ask a favor of her, sending her to New Zealand to find their long lost brother who was cast out of the family in disgrace. With the help of Aunt Dimity, Lori tries to heal a broken family and brings a new character into the village of Finch.  Also a long awaited wedding finally occurs!  There are some Tolkien nods in this as well! Fun book! Fun, Clean Series! Although I can't tell you exactly what is in all of them, I can atest to you that they are Clean! The First in the series is Aunt Dimity Dies.
 Rating : PG
Profanity-H-ll 3

Highland Games by Annis Ward Jackson

The fourth book of the Rachel Myers mystery series set in the Appalachian Mountains finds our amateur sleuth not hunting down a murderer, but trying to figure out if she is going insane or facing demensia.  Strange things are happening in her own home, things disappearing, moving around.... Her policeman/boyfriend Robby comes to her aid to help figure out exactly what is going on. It was a departure from the normal series but I really liked it. Definitely another one to put on your clean reads list, and for those Kindle owners only $2.99!
 Rating: PG
Sex-mild kissing
Profanity-H-ll 5, D-mn 3, G-d 5 exclamations

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I Love a Parade by Gayle Wigglesworth

This short novella by our Author of the month was a fun, quick read. It finds our latest friend in her newest series from "Glenda at large" on her rambling, meandering way toward the rest of her life.  She has car trouble near a small town in Texas and has to stay a few days, so she finds a quaint little bed and breakfast and starts making temporary, but sweet and colorful friends.  It just so happens they are having their annual parade the next day and it sounds like a fun time with a local bar-b-que at the end.  Glenda makes plans to join in the fun.  She buddies up with a man who is auditing the local bank who loves a good bar-b-que and they make plans to meet up to watch the parade and enjoy a good meal but when he doesn't show, Glenda get that old feeling that something is amiss. I love this character and can't wait for the next Glenda at large mystery!

  Rating: PG
Profanity-H-ll 1, G-d exclamation 2, Sh-t 1

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Ghost From the Shadows by Elizabeth Egan-Cox

Shanon Delaney comes to McArdle Bungalow to do publicity for a dinner theater but finds so much more! Her former flame Alex Blackthorne and a ghost! If that isn't enough, the ghost is a pirate! Set in Catalina, this engrossing tale involves solving a mystery of a pirate's treasure, a little romance, and some interesting interior design fun. This is the second book in the Shannon Delaney series (there are 4).  I enjoyed the first as well (A Ghost of A Chance). I just downloaded the 4th for my Kindle and will review it when I have read it.  I enjoy the author's style of writing and her sense of humor, while not going too far off track when involving a little supernatural element. A great clean read.
< Rating: G


Breach of Trust by DiAnn Mills

In this thriller/suspence novel, Paige Rogers lost everything when her entire CIA team was betrayed by their leader.  They were all killed in their last mission, but she escaped and started a new life in hiding.  Now a librarian in a small town, she finds out the man who betrayed her team is running for Governor of her state.  He comes to find her and silence her. I found this a really compelling page turner! It is a Christian based novel but it doesn't cram it down your throat. It is a fascinating clean read.

Rating: PG
Violence-mild, mostly tense situations

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Behind the Smile; My Journey Out of Postpartum Depression by Marie Osmond

This very touching and very candid look at a very personal experience was an incredible read for me.  I felt like I was going on this journey with her, as Marie Osmond chronicled her walk through the depths of Postpartum depression.  Like many women out there, she didn't even realize what was happening to her.  This is a subject that just wasn't talked about much.  It was interesting to find that her mother had gone through it as well, but had never told her about it until she was going through it herself.  I highly recommend this book to any young mother, whether suffering with postpartum or not. It was insightful to learn how she climbed out of the darkness. There are great gifts given to any women about self esteem and the value of being a mother from reading this book!

Rating: PG
I rated it PG because the subject matter is somewhat dark but it is completely clean

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster

Guest Review by Dani Potter

This book was originally published in 1912 which is why I love it so dearly. The book is a series of letters from a 17 year old orphan named Jerusha Abbott to Daddy Long-Legs, a mysterious trustee of the orphanage who is paying for her college education to become a writer.  She has never met the man, but got a glimpse of him leaving the orphanage one day.  She only saw his shadow which looked like a huge daddy long-leg spider so she named him Daddy Long-Legs.  Every month he pays her tuition to school & she in turn is required to write him a letter updating him on her life & progress in her education.  Her letters become more frequent as her life new adult life begins to unfold.  I love how involved you start to feel in this young girls life as the letters progress.  It's a WONDERFUL story of overcoming obstacles, growing up , & falling in love.  And, it's CLEAN.

Rating: PG
 Profanity-G-d 2, Good L--d 5 (thank the L--d) as well

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer

In this sequel to the Twilight Series, Stephenie Meyer takes a look from the viewpoint of one of the young "newborn" vampires from the book Eclipse, Bree Tanner. Being a die hard Twilight fan I just had to get this on my Kindle and give it a go.  It was an intriguing story, looking at the world through the eyes of the newborn without the morals of the Cullen family, but that also made the story extremely violent and pretty gory.  A bit much for my taste.  Ms. Meyer has an amazing way to keep you interested in the story and I couldn't put the book down, but knowing the ending before you begin reading was a bit of a downside. I'm on the fence with recommending this one as a "clean read"--no sex or profanity really, but the violence was pretty strong!

Rating: PG-13
Profanity: D-mn 2, H-ll 2

Mud to Ashes by Gayle Wigglesworth

In a departure from her travel mystery series, Gayle Wigglesworth has created a new character in Karo Meisner, a new divorcee who has moved to California to create a new and different setting for the second half of her life.  She enjoys pottery and joins in the local potters' "scene". She buys 2 dogs to keep her company and while walking them on the beach, stumbles onto a dead body.  The police seem way too interested in her private life and she becomes involved in solving the mystery. Once again Gayle creates a very interesting character and a story that keeps you wanting to read on.  I hope this might be the beginning of another series from Gayle Wigglesworth!
Rating: PG
Profanity-H-ll 6, G-d 4 exclamations, other Thanks to.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Haunts Haven; an LDS Ghost Story by Joan Sowards

I bought this book because the title really intrigued me.  I love a good ghost story and I knew if it was written by an LDS author it would be clean.  From the first paragraph I was engrossed in this charming tale.  Callie inherits her family's century-old inn in southern Arizona (another plus because I am from Arizona!). She didn't believe in ghosts even though every person she meets has a story about the ghost that guards the inn.  Seems everyone has had an encounter with the ghost on her property. She soon begins renovations, gains a new best friend, meets a charming, frustrating, handsome cowboy, and a really great young LDS single rancher. Which one will she choose?  I thought it would be an easy, mystery/romance read, but it really was a deep, twisting story of love, friendship, ghosts, mystery and believing in yourself.  Just when I thought I had everything figured out, I didn't! I loved that. I have found a new author and plan to read more of her books! A great clean read!

Rating: G Squeaky Clean
 Profanity-H-ll 1

Monday, February 20, 2012

Hide in Plain Sight by Marta Perry

This is the first the "Three Sisters Inn" mystery/romance series.  When Andrea Hampton's younger sister Rachel is involved in a horrific accident, she leaves her safe, big city job and runs home to help.  But she finds that Rachel and her grandmother are in the process of opening a Bed and Breakfast in the old family home.  It seems ridiculous but with Rachel unable to help get the Inn ready in time for opening, Andrea must help.  However a rash of accidents preventing this from happening, handsome carpenter Cal, and the beautiful Amish Country setting make this an intriguing clean read! For kindle owners, this book is free, give it a try!
Rating: G Squeaky Clean

A Christmas to Die For by Marta Perry

The second in the "Three Sisters Inn" series has the story revolving around sister Rachel who finds herself attracted to the grandson of the landowner adjourning the Inn property.  John Hostetler died of a heart attack during a robbery and now his grandson has returned to the family homestead and wants justice. This book covers three enjoyable subjects, mystery, romance, and Christmas.  What more could you ask?  The author is really great at weaving an intricate tale and deeply and carefully constructed characters that are very easy to care about.  I really enjoy her writing.  This is a fun, enjoyable clean read!

Rating: G Squeaky Clean

Blind Malice by Annis Ward Jackson

This is the first book in a series of mysteries set in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina.  The amateur detective is Rachel Myers who runs a nursing home but finds more than enough time to stick her nose into situations the police would rather she would not.  Rachel travels home to her father's funeral where she feels something was not quite right about his death.  It leads her on a path to finding things she did not know about her father's past.  This is a great read for mystery buffs!  The author is really good at weaving the story and setting up the characters so you care deeply about each one of them.  I love this series!  Just so you know, if you are an Amazon Prime customer and a kindle owner, you can borrow this book for free!
Rating: PG
Profanity-D-mn 2, H-ll 7, G-d 4 exclamations, some other thanks be to, B-std 2

Buried Sins by Marta Perry

Every month Amazon offers free books on the Kindle.  Once in awhile I will take a chance on one and this one was pretty good.  It was a Christian mystery/romance novel.  I enjoyed it because it was not too "churchy" and not too "gooy" romantic. It was an engaging story right from the beginning and I enjoyed the family ties and emotional bonds that draw you into the story.
   Caroline Hampton's new husband is killed in a car accident and she soon learns he was not who she thought he was.  Apparently she has something someone wants and they are seriously looking for.  Her life is in danger and she flees the city to the only real "home" she has ever known, her family's country inn run by her Grandmother and her sisters.  The Three Sisters Inn is in the heart of Amish country, in Churchville Pennsylvania.  The Police chief immediately takes notice of Caroline and her suspicious behavior.  This was the 3rd in the "three sisters" series is a great Clean Read. Enjoy!
Rating: G  Squeaky Clean
Sex-a kiss
Profanity-zero  References to God as in Thanking only

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Key Lime Pie by Josi Kilpack

When Sadie Hoffmiller's new friend Eric Burton's missing daughter's body might have been found in Florida, Eric immediately flies down there to investigate.  Sadie is determined to stay out of it but of course that proves impossible.  She is soon involved in trying to find answers for Eric, many interesting southern characters and some incredible southern recipes! A fun clean reads experience!

Rating: G  Squeaky Clean


English Trifle by Josi Kilpack

This is one of my favorite Josi Kilpack, Sadie Hoffmiller mysteries!  Sadie and her daughter Breanna travel to Great Britain where Breanna's boyfriend Liam is heir to the family title and the estate.  When Breanna and Sadie stumble across a dead body in the sitting room, and then the body disappears, it is of course up to Sadie to figure out just what is happening!  The famous landmarks, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, etc., are fun to read about, plus Sadie's try at authentic English recipes are a fun mix of a clean read winner!

Rating: G squeaky Clean

Devil's Food Cake by Josi Kilpack

As part of the committee who has invited a respected author to come speak at a library fundraising event, Sadie Hoffmiller wants everything to be perfect.  She bakes her perfect Devil's Food Cake for the event, but of course, someone dies and she wants to help the police solve the crime.  But they don't want her help.  She can't help but investigate and she seems to keep stumbling across clues and people seem to confide in her along the way.  As usual there are some great recipes included! This is a really fun, clean read.

Rating: G  Squeaky Clean!
Profanity-H-ll once

Blackberry Crumble by Josie Kilpack

Sadie Hoffmiller becomes an official investigator for hire. She travels to Portland Oregon to take the case of a woman who has suspicions about her father's untimely death. She uncovers business scandles and family skelectons. This is a great read for mystery buffs. Something extra included in these Sadie Hoffmiller mysteries are wonderful recipes. Sadie is a culinary wizard and there are recipes scattered throughout the books. I've tried a few and they are wonderful!

Rating: G Squeaky Clean
Profanity-G-d faith in loving...

Lemon Tart by Josi Kilpack

In the first of the Sadie Hoffmiller mystery series, Josie Kilpack creates an amazing character who is strong in her beliefs, smart and aggressive, headstrong, yet so loveable you want her to succeed. I am especially drawn to this charcter because she is older, her children are grown and gone from the nest. Her husband has passed and she is finding herself involved in solving the murder of a body found in the back field of her neighborhood. In comes a very handsome police detective. You can guess what happens... I read this book about a year ago so I can't give you the exact number of profanity (if any) in it. I only know that this author rarely uses any. The only word I have ever found is h-ll in any of her books. Usually there is zero. The attraction of the sleuth and the police detective is strong but no funny business! She does not believe in sex before marriage so you will not find any graphic sex scenes in any of Josi Kilpack's Sadie Hoffmiller series.
Rating: G Squeaky Clean
Profanity-? not sure but absolutely sure you won't be offended!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dead Pan by Gayle Trent

Gayle Trent's 2nd Book in the Daphne Martin mystery series finds Daphne's cake business in peril after half the town gets sick following a cake event. Fred Duncan unfortunately dies and it is up to Daphne to figure out what really happened so her cake/catering business does not suffer the same demise. I really enjoyed this book.
Rating: G Squeaky Clean
Profanity-G-d various Praise and Thanks None in vain H-ll zero, D-mn zero

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Murder Takes The Cake By Gayle Trent

Daphne Martin moves back home to start her own cake decorating business, Daphne's Delectable Cakes. When she delivers her first cake to her first customer she finds him dead. Everyone in town believe's it was Daphne's cake that killed the town gossip, Yodel Watson. Daphne recruits her old flame Ben Jacobs to help her prove her innocence. This is the first in a new Squeaky Clean Reads mystery series.
Rating: G
Violence-just the murder but no graphic descriptions
Profanity-Lots of Thanking God but no profanity.

Hungar Games by Suzanne Collins

Although there is almost no profanity in this book, this is going to be the harshest book on my website. Suzanne Collins is such a great writer, she draws you into the story from the first paragraph. The landscape she creates for the ruins of "North America" is bleak and the cruel games that are played in which children are pitted against one another to fight to the death were just a bit too violent for me. I was compelled to read to the end to find out what happened to Katniss, but the violent nature of the subject matter was just too much for me. I chose not to read the other 2 books in the series.

Rating PG-13
Sex-There is a bit of romantic stirrings in the young characters but no blatant sex
Violence-There is a lot of violence, killing and fighting
Profanity-H-ll 3, the word kill is used 73 times

Friday, February 3, 2012

You Might as Well Laugh About it Now by Marie Osmond

Marie Osmond recounts the highs and lows of her career and personal life in this touching and often funny memoir.  From the outside I think the world might think she has had the perfect life, but she is candid about the struggles she has had.  Her mother taught her to look at those tough times and step back and find the humor.  You know you are going to laugh about them later, so why not laugh about it now.  I have tried to live my own life that way so I loved her attitude as I read this book.  This is definitely a great read if you need a pick-me-up or you just enjoy biography-type reads.  Squeaky Clean Read!
Rating: G
Sex- zero
Violence- zero
Profanity- zero

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Malice in Mexico by Gayle Wigglesworth

In book 5 of the Claire Gulliver series, the CIA agent, Jack Rallins that Claire has worked with through the series and has been getting close to romantically (Very Mild) shows up at her bookstore looking very broken up and run down. The doctors prescribe some good rest and down time in a good climate so Claire suggests they go to Mexico for a vacation together (again no blatant hanky panky). Jack is extremely reluctant due to Claire's past vacation mishaps with murder and meyham, but relents and they find themselves in beautiful Juanajuato Mexico. However, trouble seems to follow Claire everywhere she goes. I really enjoyed the little bit of romance blended into this clean read! It didn't overshadow the mystery or action of the story.

Rating: PG
Sex - Mild, Claire and Jack finally reveal their feeling so some kissing and romance but very mild
Violence - Mild but a little bit of action, nothing graphic
Profanity - D-mn 5, H-ll 19, G-d 6 three of them are  Thank G-d, Sh-t 6

Cruisin' For a Bruisin' by Gayle Wigglesworth

Claire Gulliver has always dreamed of going on a cruise. Her dream comes true as she embarks on a cruise to Alaska with her mother and a few friends, all women.  They luckily get seated for dinner at a table with 6 interesting people, including 3 single men! Claire immediately starts plotting to find partners for dancing, but of course nothing ever works out the way it should. This is a great adventure with Claire and her mom, a character that is becoming one of my favorites in the mystery genre.  This is the 4th book in this clean reads series.
Rating: PG
Profanity-G-d 17, but mostly Thanking Him and conversational "God forgave me", etc, H-ll 8, D-mn 1, sh-t 2

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Intrigue in Italics by Gayle Wigglesworth

In the 3rd Claire Gulliver Adventure by Gayle Wigglesworth, my favorite, we find Claire on vacation in Italy with her mom and her mom's friend, where they are attending a cooking school. One day she runs into an old friend... but the old friend won't even acknowledge her.  Then Claire realizes she attended the person's funeral about a year ago.  Of course she cannot let it go.  She has to track down the person and make sure it isn't her friend. Obviously Intrigue ensues! Meanwhile her mother gets mixed up in some Intrigue of her own at the cooking school. This was a really fun, clean read for me!

Rating: PG
Profanity- D-mn 1, H-ll 6, G-d 15 most as Thank G-d, Sh-t 2.

Washington Weirdos by Gayle Wigglesworth

The 2nd in the Claire Gulliver mysteries by Gayle Wigglesworth finds Claire in Washington where the owner of Vantage Airlines has offered her a golden ticket to ride anywhere, anytime for the rest of her life on their airlines for helping solve the mystery in London in the last book.  While there, she is attacked and thus a new mystery unfolds. This book keeps you on the edge of your seat from the first chapter. These mysteries also have some humor added in, which I really enjoy.  Another fun adventure in clean reading!

Rating: PG
Sex - none
Violence- the attack on Claire but it is not graphic
Profanity - D-mn 2, G-d 14 but almost all are thanking G-d, H-ll 4, Sh-t 1

Pumpkin Roll by Josi Kilpack

If you want a book free of all foul language, sex and violence, this is the book for you.  Josi Kilpack's main character, Sadie Hoffmiller is a no-nonsense, single mom (empty nester) who has a nack for investigating murders.  She has Christian values without cramming them down your throat.  She and her boyfriend go no further than kissing, which is very refreshing in today's media.  Her strongest swear word is "biscuits."  She makes me laugh. On this adventure, she and her boyfriend Pete agree to babysit Pete's granchildren while his son and wife are away for a week.  The minute they arrive at the son's home strange things begin to happen. As the tail of the neighborhood "witch" come into play, Sadie cannot help but try to unravel the puzzle.  I LOVED this book!  It is the 6th book in the Sadie Hoffmiller series.  All of them are entertaining and very clean reads!

Rating: G
Sex - a couple of innocent kisses
Violence - a woman is stabbed, but it doesn't go into any gory detail at all
Profanity - None

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tea Is For Terror by Gayle Wigglesworth

Genre: Cozy Murder Mystery,  Some of her books are only available in Kindle Version
This is the first book in the Claire Gulliver series which finds bookstore owner Claire compelled to spearhead a tour group trip to London because the original leader has an "accident" and cannot go.  Soon other mysterious accidents begin to occur and Claire gets embroiled in a puzzling mystery that begins her fun adventures.  I loved this book from the first page.  I had just returned from a vacation to London when I read it and Ms. Wigglesworth was great with every detail of the geography and landmarks.  This is a great clean reads series.

Rating: PG
Sex - zero
Violence - moderate, it's a murder mystery so people are killed, but it is not explained in detail, it is not gruesome.
Profanity - G-d: 6 times, mostly used as "thank  God", D-mn 7 times, H-ll 7 times